Animal Anatomy and Physiology

Welcome to the Animal Kingdom.

Digestive System

The gastrointestinal (GI) tract plays a pivotal role in the intake, absorption, and processing of nutrients and water, while also contributing to the overall balance of the body. Its intricate mechanisms and functions are crucial for maintaining bodily homeostasis and ensuring optimal health. In this handout guide, we will explore the fascinating complexities of the GI tract, unraveling its anatomy, functions, and significance in our overall well-being.

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

Prepare to embark on an enlightening voyage through the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems. In this lesson, you'll unravel the intricate dance of the heart and lungs, understanding how they collaborate to sustain life itself. Discover the secrets of oxygen transport, circulation, and the fascinating mechanisms that keep you alive and thriving. Get ready to dive deep into the beating heart of human biology.

Immune System

The immune system is a complex and vital defense mechanism that protects our bodies against harmful pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It comprises a network of specialized cells, tissues, and organs working together to identify and neutralize foreign invaders while distinguishing them from healthy cells. In this handout, we'll learn all that you need to know about this magical system. 


From unicellular organisms to complex multicellular life forms, the ability to manage water and solute concentrations within their internal environments is crucial. This packet will delve into the mechanisms, significance, and regulatory strategies that living beings employ to maintain optimal internal balance in the face of fluctuating environmental conditions, a process known as osmoregulation. 


The endocrine system is integral to the regulation of the body’s activities. It plays a key role in the growth, development, and regulation of metabolism through the release of chemical messengers, called hormones, into the bloodstream. In this handout, we will discuss the complexities of the mammalian endocrine system. We highly recommend reading the cell biology handouts before reading this one to achieve a complete understanding of the material.

Reproduction and Development

Welcome to our guide on reproduction and development, a fundamental mechanism that perpetuates life across all forms of organisms inhabiting our planet. In the following pages, we delve into the intricacies of this biological phenomenon, shedding light on its diverse processes and underlying principles.

Nervous System and Muscle

Coming soon