Plant Biology

Unearth the green world's hidden complexities.

Plant Cells

Although they’re rooted to one place, plants are surprisingly dynamic. Just like humans, they have organs, tissues, and cells, and need nutrients to survive. It is the job of the plant to make sure all of its metabolism and development is supported by making sure it can acquire resources well.

Primary and Secondary Growth

In this handout, we’ll delve into three specific organs — roots, stems, and leaves — and how they develop through primary and secondary growth. Both primary and secondary growth are essential processes in plant development and are driven by cell division, elongation, and differentiation from the apical and lateral meristems.

Plant Hormones

Like animal hormones, plant hormones have a profound impact on a plant’s growth, development, and environmental responses. However, unlike in animals, plants have a small number of hormones that each perform a multitude of functions. This handout dives deep into the complex world of plant hormones.